Joseph Puskás

Joseph Puskás

Joseph Puskás(distant relative)
reservist corporal. The army recalled him and he fought on the Russian front.
Ont he twenty-fifth October 1914 he was severly wounded, fell in captivity. In
the field-hospital  the doctors cut off
one of his leg and the other became stiff. He used crutches. The czar's wife
visited the wounded soldiers. After the war, he was released and he went home.
He was a farmer. His wife and two sons worked the field because he became a
disabled soldier. But the helped his family as much as he could. He got a
subvention:116pengő/month. With it they bought a thresting-machine. He was one of
the first farmers in Vilonya. My grandfather has told me the story. He heard
this from Joseph Puskás int the 1950s.

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